Photovoice Bulgaria - City friendly to TCN and Imigrants
Photovoice is a participatory city exploration tool, which combines photography, analysis and city walks.
Photo by Nicole Lehchevska
Different amenities and guides are offered throughout Sofia and can be found on streets or in pamphlets.
Photo by Boyana Voynova
Internet access is available in Sofia in the form of wireless hotspots and can also be found in public libraries.
Photo by Yana Zdravkova
Different amenities and guides are offered throughout Sofia and can be found on streets or in pamphlets.
Photo by Peter Minov
Many schools in Sofia specialize in a variety of different languages.
Photo by Zoya Moiseeva
Different amenities and guides are offered throughout Sofia and can be found on streets or in pamphlets.
Photo by Rossanka Venelinova
These posters of different activities occurring in Sofia are often written in more than one language thus illustrating the rich cultural fabric of the city.
Photo by Svetoslav Kostov
Photo by Elizabet Tzekova
Different amenities and guides are offered throughout Sofia and can be found on streets or in pamphlets.
Photo by Bilyana Bogoeva
Several examples of the residential localization of TCN throughout Sofia.
Photo by Irina Toleva
These posters of different activities occurring in Sofia are often written in more than one language thus illustrating the rich cultural fabric of the city.
Photo by Mina Kuteva
These posters of different activities occurring in Sofia are often written in more than one language thus illustrating the rich cultural fabric of the city.
Photo by Kostanza Ivanova
През 2015г. деца от 16 страни взеха участие в Детската Евровизия в София. Знакът на събитието на бул. "Витоша".
Photo by Yana Zdravkova
Internet access is available in Sofia in the form of wireless hotspots and can also be found in public libraries.
Photo by Valentin Iliev
Главно мюфтийство – надпис на български и турски езици.
Photo by Velizar Georgiev
Photo by Renne Traicova
Photo by Ivan Popov
Several examples of the residential localization of TCN throughout Sofia.
Photo by Valentin Iliev
Традиционни стоки от Ориента.
Photo by Renne Traicova
Photo by Velizar Georgiev
Different amenities and guides are offered throughout Sofia and can be found on streets or in pamphlets.
Photo by Bistra Ivanova
These posters of different activities occurring in Sofia are often written in more than one language thus illustrating the rich cultural fabric of the city.
Photo by Rozalina Nedkova
Many schools in Sofia specialize in a variety of different languages.
Photo by Kostanza Ivanova
Паметник с табела на български и на английски език.
Photo by Metodi Valchev
Табела за предупреждение за опасност в Софийското метро на български и на английски език.
Photo by Boyana Voynova
These posters of different activities occurring in Sofia are often written in more than one language thus illustrating the rich cultural fabric of the city.
Photo by Kostanza Ivanova
В парка на НДК, WC с указания на български и английски език.
Photo by Renne Traicova
Different amenities and guides are offered throughout Sofia and can be found on streets or in pamphlets.
Photo by Sara Filippelli
Ясно означени табели за чужденците за разделното събиране на отпадъците в града.
Photo by Solomon Bali
Positive messengers!
Photo by Kostanza Ivanova
Студентите от Франкофонския институт ESFAM в София се запознават с Културните политики на Столична община.
Photo by Mary Ahegukian
Different amenities and guides are offered throughout Sofia and can be found on streets or in pamphlets.
Photo by Mina Kuteva
These posters of different activities occurring in Sofia are often written in more than one language thus illustrating the rich cultural fabric of the city.
Photo by Elizabet Tzekova
These posters of different activities occurring in Sofia are often written in more than one language thus illustrating the rich cultural fabric of the city.
Photo by Avel Ivanov
Several examples of the residential localization of TCN throughout Sofia.
Photo by Nicole Lehchevska
Different amenities and guides are offered throughout Sofia and can be found on streets or in pamphlets.
Photo by Peter Veselinov Buchkov
These posters of different activities occurring in Sofia are often written in more than one language thus illustrating the rich cultural fabric of the city.