
Sofia Development Association
Sofia Development Association (SDA) is a resource centre for research, analyses, innovations and experiment, which creates conditions and encourages the constant dialogue between civil society, business, Sofia Municipality and academic institutions. The Association was established by Sofia Municipal Council Resolution № 348 as of 08.07.2010. It is an independent organization, registered by the Sofia City Court on 16.08.2010, company case 495/2010, in public benefit under the Not-for-Profit Legal Entities Act. The Association started its work as a centre for debate of municipal policies mainly in the field of culture, but during the last 6 years it established itself not only as an innovation hub, but also as an active participant in the formulation and implementation of a number of public policies, the introduction of innovation and investment in human capital.

RiskMonitor Foundation
RiskMonitor (RM) is a non-profit, non-governmental public policy institute, founded at the end of 2006, and registered as a public benefit foundation.
RM works for the reduction, control and prevention of organized crime and high-level political and institutional corruption and develops independent civic expertise in monitoring state institutions, risk assessment analyses, legal and sociological research, including case studies of grand corruption, criminal markets and organized crime-related social, economic, and political risks in Bulgaria and Southeast Europe.
Since its establishment, RM has acquired considerable expertise and has implemented various projects and activities for the achievement of its goals: studies and public surveys, development of strategic policy documents, institutional assessment studies, public debates, awareness-raising campaigns, advocacy, public information campaigns, partnership with public institutions, development of information databases, etc.

Integration Centre Prague
Integration Centre Prague (ICP) is a public service organization officially founded on 14 March 2012 by the Prague City Council for the purpose of efficient co-ordination of integration activities and collaboration between the non-profit sector, the local authorities and the Prague City Council. ICP coordinated the creation of first Prague Policy for integration of migrants (2014-2017) and its update for 2018-2021 and related Action plans.
Within our projects we offer courses of Czech language and socio-cultural orientation, training for professionals, intercultural work, field work and monitoring and organize regular meetings of the Regional counseling platform, which has around 250 members from over 30 institutions and organizations in Prague. In cooperation with our partner organizations we also provide our clients with social and legal counselling.

Research Centre on Security and Crime
RISSC is a non profit association that deals with security and crime.
Our purpose is to contribute to the improvement of the society through the research, the promotion of the culture, the technical assistance and the evaluation in security and crime fields at local, national, European and international levels.
The principal activities of RISSC are the analysis of criminal, social and criminogenic phenomena, the elaboration of strategies on risk prevention and damage reduction, the technical assistance and the training in favor of public authority and private organizations.

Centre for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights – Osijek
Centre for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights – Osijek was established in 1992 with an aim of contributing to building of sustainable peace and strengthening of the culture of nonviolence in the war-torn region. The Centre for Peace has been dealing with human rights violation in its own community, psychosocial support to the wounded and preparing the grounds for the peaceful return of displaced persons and refugees. Our mission is to build society based on the culture of peace. We work toward our mission through empowering individuals, initiatives and civil society organizations for responsible participation in positive social changes, contributing to strengthening of civil society and rule of law.

ETP Slovakia – Centre for Sustainable Development
ETP Slovakia is a non-profit organization that has devoted over 17 years to implementing and field testing new and innovative ways to solve among the most difficult, long-standing social challenges facing Slovakia. We are social entrepreneurs, who have been working in the environment of extreme poverty and social exclusion of segregated Roma ghettos since 2001. Since 2009 we have been working with asylum seekers, refugees and third country nationals.
We strive to develop and test new models; we are therefore a “social laboratory”, verifying new work approaches focusing on the social inclusion of those suffering long-term exclusion. The tools that we have been validating, and which became incorporated into public policies, are social investments, as distinguished from merely providing life-long social benefits often provided to socially excluded people for their whole lives. We focus on five main areas: housing, education, employment, health and financial inclusion, embracing the principle “from-cradle-to-career”, i.e. provision of comprehensive services and life-long education for the underprivileged. Our solutions have a proven record of sustainable and scalable programs.
ETP Slovakia’s expertise includes also targeting all relevant stakeholders who can help shape the development of effective and appropriate employment, social, education policies, legislation, action plans, strategies and integration programmes to improve the life of socially excluded people.
Our staff members form an amalgam of many ethnicities and professions, continually contemplating social design strategies to “think outside the box” and with a wide range of expertise. We at ETP are deeply passionate about our service to the dispossessed and we seek to creatively employ all means possible to optimize the quality of life both for the socially excluded.
In 2014, ETP Slovakia was awarded the golden Civil Society Prize for integration of the Roma by the European Economic and Social Committee.