The conference took part Dec. 3, 2019 in Brussels. It was organized by the Committee of the Regions, which recently launched the initiative Cities and Regions for Integration, together with other Commission departments. Enhancing the dialogue with local and regional authorities is a priority for the work on integration at EU level. Cities and regions are key actors in putting in place effective integration policies on the ground. However, many local authorities, especially small ones, have difficulties in accessing the resources available at EU level both in terms of knowledge and funding – a challenge recognized and tackled also by INTEGRA.
The conference gathered over 400 representatives from local and regional authorities to inform them about the support available at EU level and give them an opportunity to exchange their practices and experience.
INTEGRA partners from Sofia, Prague, Košice and Osijek took part in the conference. In recognition of the project success, Sevdalina Voynova from SDA was invited to moderate one of the conference workshops, Narratives matter. The session focused on the public perception of migrants and refugees in Europe and its relationship with facts and the reality, the role of opinion makers as well as local politicians in influencing the attitudes of citizens towards immigrants.
The conference was organized also in cooperation with other Commission departments active in the field of integration, such as the Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Education and Culture, Regional and Urban Affairs and the Joint Research Center.

01.12.2019 – 31.12.2019 - Integration Centre Prague continues with the distribution of the campaign creative tools and information materials. The PhotoVoice zines will be distributed at public spaces (such as cafés, libraries and community centres) in cooperation with ICP terrain workers and the online tools such as the podcast series Salad Bowl of Prague: Voices and the PhotoVoice website will be promoted via social media.
02.12.2019 – RISSC publishes a part of their online campaign in cooperation with The Municipality of Rubano. A poster about Ius Scholae award is being spread through social media.
03.12.2019 – Sofia Development Association participates in the conference Go Local: Supporting regions, cities and rural areas in migrants’ integration. The conference is organized by the Committee of the Regions, which recently launched the initiative Cities and Regions for Integration, together with other Commission departments. Sevdalina Voynova moderates one of the conference workshops “Narratives matters”.
03.12.2019 – RiskMonitor presents INTEGRA project and distributes its latest creative tool, the card game the Unknown during a round table with higher education experts.
06.12.2019 - 08.12.2019 – ETP Slovakia organizes city tours in Kosice in order to present it as a multicultural place with lots of foreign influence and TCN communities. The event is called Potulka and will be hosted by famous local guides.
09.12.2019 – RISSC publishes a part of their online campaign in cooperation with The Municipality of Rubano. An infographic about 7 actions, which will be put into practice to promote and integration of foreign citizens in Rubano, developed by RISSC, is being spread through social media.
09.12.2019 – RiskMonitor presents INTEGRA project and creative tools at a special screening of short films by the Kinomorphia International Short Film Festival. The screening is a charity one and will showcase films exploring the theme of the foreigner and stranger.
11.12.2019 - Centre for Peace – Osijek presents a part of their online campaign „Infographics“ which this time presents well-known writers and philosophers in order to present foreign culture. Production of viral material with suitable pictures and quotations.
12.12.2019 - Integration Centre Prague officially moves the PhotoVoice exhibition to the Prague New Town Hall, where it will be displayed until mid January. The exhibition will be presented in the main hall, where it will be easily accessible for all the regional politicians and city officers meeting and working in the building as well as the everyday visitors, with the aim to raise their awareness about the presence of foreigners in Prague.
12.12.2019 – Sofia Development Association – the project manager Sevdalina Voynova will give interview about the importance of the local communities in terms of making decisions and integration policy making on Sofia Radio.
17.12.2019 – RiskMonitor visits two lectures at the New Bulgarian University and presents INTEGRA project and creative tools to the students studying in the international bachelor program Political Science.
18.12.2019 – RiskMonitor presents the card game The Unknown at a special event honoring 30 years since the fall of communism. The event will be hosted by the New Bulgarian University.
18.12.2019 - Centre for Peace – Osijek presents a part of their online campaign „Arhitecture and history“ - presentation of old civilisations from immigrants area through architecture and history. Production of viral material with suitable photo of architectural structure and description with historic info.
18.12.2019 - ETP Slovakia officially publishes their creative tool “New Neighbor Welcome Kit”. The map serves as a welcome tool for newcomers to Košice and it is nicely designed as a souvernir. It includes public offices, language schools, honorary consulates, minorities’ clubs, NGOs helping with integration and brief history of city communities.
19.12.2019 – RiskMonitor presents INTEGRA project and creative tools at a round table, organized by the student club of the political science program at Sofia University..
23.12.2019 - Centre for Peace – Osijek presents a part of their online campaign “Famous immigrants“ - Reminders of famous immigrants and their contributions to their new countries; like Steve Jobs, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Production of creative viral materials.
27.12.2019 – RiskMonitor gives out The uknown cards to the social center Fabrika Avtonomia in Sofia.